Project #



Dhaba Tacos


The Art of Nann making, learn how to roll and cook Indian flat bread then enjoy your creation with traditional Maharashrtan truck stop food.

A Dhaba is a truck stop in India. This project was inspired by my travels in India while visiting family. Going to a Dhaba in India was an experience I will never forget. I wanted to share an unforgettable experience with people at Flipsdie. Fresh made nann with traditional Maharashrtan food. My other half and I have brought a version of this project to Flipside since our first Flipside in 2018. It is always a nice social activity to encourage people to make new friends at the beginning of the festival. In the beginning I made and serve the food, which was fun but left little time to get to know people. I was inspired by the interactive nature of Flipside to transform Dhaba Tacos into interactive food art experience. The purpose of an interactive food experience is to help people connect with their food and those making it.
This year I want to make it more participant friendly with instruction signs and more rolling pins. I also really want to make it eye catching with a new road sign. In years past my project was sized for 150 participants. I think with better signage I can increase that to 180.

Optional but encouraged: detailed drawings, CAD files/SketchUp documents, sketches, or other graphic illustrations of your creative concept.

None provided

Will it need power?


If it will need power, what is your power plan?

Use my camp’s power

Does the piece incorporate flame effects, moveable pieces, and/or is it climbable?


Have you completed any other large scale art projects? (In this media? Where and when? How did the project go? Do you have pictures or recordings?)

Yes I have done a version of this project before under a variety of scales and conditions. Flipside 2018 and 2019 and several times a smaller 35 person events. Even if it is cold and rainy I can make this project happen.

You may upload photos/recording of past projects here 

None Provided

What is your timeline detailing the planning, creation, installment, and removal of your project?

Everything will be prepped before heading to the land. The project will be ready for participant interaction at 9pm Thursday of Flipside. Hopefully everything will be eaten by midnight and the only removal will be dirty cook pots.

How much money do you need? (Up to $575) We are looking for a thorough itemized budget and the amount of grant money you are requesting.Please include a reasonably researched estimate of the cost of the materials you expect to need.


Hard Dollars


Have you received funding from any other entity or regional for this piece previously? If so, who and how much?


Upload a spreadsheet of your budget here:


Assuming a covid safe way: in 2022-2023 We would like the artists to give community workshops outside of Flipside. Do you think you have a workshop idea that could be provided to the community? If so, please tell us what it is.

I think it would be great to have workshops. I do not have any ideas that I can provide right now, but I will think about it for the future.

Assuming a covid safe way: We will be having the 2022 Ignition Philter fundraiser in Austin after the fall town hall (usually held in late September/ early October.) Would you be willing/able to bring the piece back for that event?
